Thursday, September 3, 2009

The importance of Blogging

What a long time it has been, since I last posted on here. I have had an extremely busy summer, and unfortunately blogging has not been a top priority. Honestly, I was a bit unsure of the future of my blog after my writing class ended. However, I was looking through some of my old postings last night, and realized how much insight I gained from keeping my blogs during spring quarter. Reading through the blogs was like opening up an old journal from my teen years. I was able to see my how my insight and opinions were changing about food with each week. I believe this blog can be a place to continue to log that change and discuss all the exciting things I am learning on my path to becoming a nutritionist. The field of nutrition is growing daily and a blog can hold all of my new thoughts and insights for others to see. Which I am unsure of how many readers I will have, now that the classmates aren't required to read my blog. But having the chance to practice communicating what I am reading and studying about, seems to be the most vital thing for my career at the moment. I love the field of nutrition because of how much education I am required to give to my clients, and a blog can be a great way to practice educating clients.

So basically, what I am trying to say, is that I am setting the intention to revive this blog and keep it running throughout the next two years of my graduate program! I am eager to see what will become of it when I a teacher is not forcing me to write for a grade. I am doing this as a gift to myself and my education.

It would be appropriate to give an update on my summer and all the things that I have learned in the field, especially since I started seeing patients at the clinic and giving real nutrition advice. I also experimented with an elimination diet and have been reading a hugely insane amount of material on emotional eating and eating disorders. I have been reading and studying vibrational food and the Chakra systems, thanks to an excellent book by Deanna Minich, Ph.D., C.N., which I will write an entire blog on due to the passion and I acquired from reading it.

Lastly, I have been very aware of my own opinons, habits, philosophies of my own diet. This has probably been the most important, because I have truely learned that we teach what we need to learn. So as I am teaching and studying nutrition, I find that I am the one who needs to adopt the principles the most. So look in the future for more personal insights about food and mood especially!

Well it is great to be back! Looking forward to the Fall and my continued passion to evolve through this blog!

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